Moving Designs

New theme and hosting for this site
2 min read

It’s been almost a year since my last post on this website. That is quite sad. There were so many things happening over the course of the past year which left me with absolutely no energy left to work on new content to be published here. So much has changed, I learned a lot from it, and now, I think, is the perfect time to carry on and start writing again.

The history of past themes that were used on this site.

I started of this year by moving the site away from the original hosting at to Github Pages. I did that, because I felt I hadn’t had enough control over the content. I mean, Wordpress certainly offers many options in this respect, but, personally, I’m not willing to pay $125 for the ability to change font colour and remove the add, nor am I willing to buy a proprietary theme.

On the other hand, I really like what Github is doing with their Pages hosting. It is really straight-forward to maintain and publish your site with git. This has been really important for me, as there are more than 60 different articles on this page and I would like to keep adding new ones. I also like the way Jekyll allows you to work.

Jekyll Drinking Game
The plan is to not become one of those...

That said, it took me quite a while to set everything up and migrate all the content from one system to another without it suffering from any major loses. I spend the holidays and the first part of January doing that. I considered a number of themes for Jekyll including So Simple, HPSTR, and Balzac. In the end, I found a port of Ghost’s Casper made by Rosario Rascuna and used that one. However, I customised it quite a bit.

The most prominent change that’s been added are the full-screen cover photos that are now a part of each post. I got into photography quite a bit lately, which is the main reason behind using the Medium inspired covers. It means I can actually use some of my pictures for something, instead of just keeping them on my hard drive.

I don’t want to become overambitious with the posting schedule, so I’ll start slowly by adding a post roughly each two weeks and we’ll see how it goes :-). Happy 2014!